A dear friend, yoga teacher and fellow gardener, recently invited me to meander with her through a very special garden in Asheville, NC. This garden is privately owned but with good behavior, visitors are allowed to drop by.
This spectacular 6 acre garden, with 1.5 miles of trails is in the very heart of the city, yet you might as well be in the wild. This garden was established over 60 years ago by Doan Ogden, who also designed the Asheville Botanical Gardens. It exemplifies the sustainability of mosses in the landscape as the green backdrop for many spectacular azaleas, rhododendrons and colorful flowers. The current owner has maintained the original integrity of the garden while enhancing it with incredible art sculptures by some of the nation’s finest sculptors.
I am so grateful to have access to this garden and will definitely be back. I’m told the trillium are not to be missed.